Employers- Are you prepared for the interview?

An organization is only as good as its employees.   Effective interviewing skills are often overlooked as it relates to the other side of the table (the interviewer).    Managers make quick and ineffective hiring decisions that not only cost the company money but precious time.   I am always tickled by the feedback I receive from my coaching clients who go into interviews with hiring managers that do not know how to interview.  

I have worked with hiring managers who receive room in their budget to add to their headcount and immediately come to me with their approved job requisition in hand with no plan in place.  Hiring managers need to take the time to put a plan in place that lists the critical factors that contribute to a successful hire.

  • Skills required
  • Needs of the company
  • Personality fit
  • Experience and interest

Just as it is very important for a candidate to make a good impression and put in the proper work to prepare for the interview, the hiring manager needs to be effectively trained and prepared to assess a candidate’s skills, abilities, behaviors and attitude.    Hiring managers also should not make a hiring decision based on having a “good feeling” about a candidate.   Skill and personality test should be included in the interview process. 

 You can lose your next top performer because your interviewing approach is haphazard with no strategic approach.  A high performer comes to the interview to assess if the company’s goals, values, culture, hiring manager, performance and business structure match their career goals.  Remember, good hires will help you develop a strong, healthy, productive competitive company. 

Contact TCM Professional Solutions to help you prepare for your next top performaners.

Visit us at www.tcmprosolutions.com, facebook and follow TashaCMills on Twitter.

Phone: 866-242-9036

Email: info@tcmprosolutions.com

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